Monday, February 3, 2014

Great Things Never Came From Comfort Zones

As college graduation draws nearer, I find myself with a feeling that I have never quite felt before. For the first time in my life, I can no longer blame my parents. No, if something does not quite turn out how I had planned, I might end up pointing the finger at myself. This is both exhilarating and scary as all get out. 

Growing up, I always wanted to be older. I often labeled myself as an "old soul" since I had such deep thoughts about life that others did not even consider. I am like an eighty year old woman in a twenty-two year old body. Don't get me wrong, I consider myself an exciting, adventurous eighty-year-old, but, nonetheless, the metaphor seems to hold true.

So, now the time comes when I am to make a decision about my future career. Where will I be in the next few months? For years, I have dreamed of becoming a career woman that is independent and works her butt off in pursuit of her passion. I have dreamed of going out on my own, my lonely little self, and making it happen. Now, that time is real and while there are many factors outside of my control, the question is whether or not I will have the courage to do what I have always planned to do.

At this instant, while I have had my fair share of doubts, you had better believe that I am about to step outside of my comfort zone. When it comes down to it, there really is no other choice. If I did what I was only expected to do or what was easiest, then where would the fun in life be? I would simply be living for others. Now, that's just disappointing. 

Outside of my comfort zone though...what does that really mean? To me, that could mean moving anywhere from Oklahoma to France. Or, it could mean taking on a job position that I did not previously see myself in, but suddenly have a calling to chase. While outside of my comfort zone does not have to mean I move off somewhere far, it does mean that I should step outside of the box a little. To you, it might mean something completely different. To each, his own, right? 

But, as you take a look at your life, please ask yourself: Are you doing what your family or friends or society, in general, believes to be right? Or are you listening to that little annoying voice inside of you that just will not shut up? After all, if it will not shut up, maybe it is telling you something…

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