Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Who Are You When You Are Alone?

Why does nearly everyone say, “You must be good with yourself before you can get into a real relationship”? I swear, that nearly every girl will tell you that, but will that same amount of women actually follow this golden rule themselves? More than likely, the girl that told you that has had a maximum of one month by herself. Wow, what an I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T woman! Just call her Beyonce.

Then, those girls end up getting married to a guy before they have solved all of their own issues. I am absolutely not hating on those people that choose to get married young. I am simply saying that before you jump into all of the love and roses, do not place all of your happiness on a guy. Then, if the right guy comes along, you WILL be ready.

That guy could and should make you happy, but he has to know that you have your own life too. And he should support that. If not, sorry bout ya babe. There are a lot of fish in the sea. So to all of the ladies that are going through heartache (been there), please push through that pain, instead of taking the easy way out and texting that guy that you know deep down that you should not be texting.

That temporary happiness is just like shopping and buying the cutest new outfit. It feel so good in the moment, but did it really solve all of your problems? For a while, it did. But you will just have to go back and buy some more later. Hopefully, you have the funds to do so. If so, go for it! But, more importantly, take the time to figure out those underlying issues that keep you up at night or don’t give you the confidence to achieve your dreams. Trust me, it will pay off later when you actually reach that great potential of yours.

So, take a good look in the mirror and, before you jump into Prince Charming’s arms, make sure that you think you are plenty good enough without him. It can be hard to do so, especially in today’s world. Women are constantly bombarded by the media of the perfect woman. She is drop dead gorgeous, nearly anorexic and somehow juggles a career and knows how to cook like Paula Dean. But, somehow, I don’t know too many women that fit that profile.

But, who cares? Just because the media tells you something, should you believe it? No, they are just trying to take your money half the time. Be smarter and realize how good you are, as well as what you can improve upon. Then, look in the mirror and say, “Hell yeah, I’m a smart, confident woman that knows what’s up. I have so much good in my future and no one can prevent me from reaching that.”

If you can say that and really mean it, then, right in that moment, you could jump into Prince Charming’s arms if you wanted to. But, either way, you would be quite alright, wouldn’t you? (Get the idea here?)

In all, I hope that people don’t take this as just another cheesy, we-can-do-it article trying to give unwarranted confidence to all. Instead, give it a try and see how much true confidence can really do for you. I mean, just think of how much easier life would be if you were confident and did not rely on the approval of others? A hell of a lot easier, if you ask me. 

Laugh or not at my advice, I only seek to improve the confidence of women, because I am tired of too many of us getting caught up in the wrong scene and short-selling our potential. Although I have gotten a kick out of it at times, I am honestly tired of trashy reality TV where too many women end up looking like gold-diggers that do not know their own self-worth. I am tired of too many women thinking they constantly need a man to get by.

 Trust me, the right one will come along when you least expect it. So, lighten up and write a list of what you can do to become a better version of yourself. Go out and do it and then complain to me. But, chances are, you won’t even be complaining anymore. You will be taking your future in your own hands and feeling damn good about the woman you have become.

Just a thought…